出口石英石工程解決方案About HEROSTONE: Founded in 2005, HEROSTONE was an early pioneer of the natural quartz surfaces in China and now extend to worldwide . Its dominant position in Quartz Project has been achieved through professional quartz stone production & fabrication, the best Quartz Project solution we offer to our customers , a sales team who have years experience in Quartz Surface Area and we always work together with customers before bidding and after installation . 始建于2005年,石英雄品牌石英石是中國石英石臺面的最早開創者,現在我們的品牌已經發展到世界各地。基于專業的石英石大板生產與加工,向客戶提供最優的石英石工程解決方案,有多年對石英石臺面加工經驗的運作團隊以及我們無時無刻與客戶站在一起從競標到工程安裝配套的專業合作精神,石英雄始終領航著石英石加工工程領域。 Contact: Linko@hero-stone.com Linko: +86 13500254616 此主題相關圖片如下: |